A transaction by "purchase (market order)" is a transaction in which only the quantity is set and the order is placed at the price of the cryptographic asset at real time.

It is recommended for beginners as it is easy to trade.

If you want to set the price and quantity by yourself and trade, please use the "Spot (Limit Order)" service.

Please click here for how to trade at Paradise Exchange Spots. 

Click here for how to trade with Paradise Exchange Spots. 


1. Once logged in, please click "Buy" on the upper left corner of your screen. 



2. Click " ∧ " on Buy section to show all the currencies and select the crypto asset you want to buy. 


3. Click "∧"  on Pay with section and select the crypto asset you want to sell.


4. Enter the quantity in either (1) or (2) and click "Get Buy Quote".


5. Check the quantity to buy and the quantity to sell, and click"Accept Buy" to complete the purchase.