Be aware of phishing websites

Our official website URL is

Please avoid using links from other websites to access the  Paradise exchange.

Enable your 2FA

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) is an extra layer of security for your Paradise exchange account designed to ensure that you are the only person who can access your account by requiring an authentication code generated by your mobile device.

After you enable your Two-Factor Authentication (2FA), you will be prompted to enter a time sensitive code when logging in or making withdrawals.

Never install any 3rd party browser plug-ins that claim to be associated with Paradise exchange

Paradise exchange currently does not provide any browser plug-ins.

Do not give out your password or 2FA code to anyone

Paradise exchange support agents WILL NEVER ask you for your password or a Two-Factor Authentication code.

Do not take any phone calls from anyone who claims to be a Paradise exchange support agent.

Paradise exchange agents do not have access to your telephone number.

Enable IP whitelisting

IP whitelisting allows you restrict access to your Paradise exchange account by only allowing logins from whitelisted IP addresses.  You need to have a static IP (fixed IP) from your internet service provider (ISP) to make use of this feature.